Top 10 reasons why I Love my Mom!
Her patience - Raising 7 children is not easy and 5 being boys, but she did it with much love and long suffering. She loved being a mom and that was evident in the way she treated each of us. Many days were filled with chaos, but never once did I hear her complain about having to raise a family or how hard it was...well there was that time when she was in labor trying to breathe on her bed and we were all sitting on the end of the bed playing the video game asteroids and bouncing up & down, when she finally told us to, "GET OUT!"....
I love you Mom!2.
Nothings Impossible - If you want it, then do it. This was and still is my mom's philosophy. Her childhood was less than perfect in many ways, so the fact that she raised a family of 7 as though she had the skills of an educated psychologist is such a strength to me.
She grew up with dyslexia, which made learning difficult, so after being a stay-at-home mom for more than 30 years she went back to get her degree. Yay mom!
Her health has also many times left her too tired to stay awake, as she has chronic fatigue syndrome and many allergies, but she has always had a love for running, so rain, sleet, snow, hurricane(holding on to the light post, so she didn't blow away)or sick, she was out getting her 9 mile run in for the day.
She has always had the will and determination to accomplish anything she sets out to do...what a great example...
I love you Mom!3.
Her love of chocolate - Thanks for passing that along - enough said..anyone who knows me well knows of my love for GOOD chocolate!...
I love you Mom!4.
Sense of humor - She always found the lighter side of things, even if there wasn't one. Everything's ok in the world if you can laugh at yourself. This is also why she's a FUN grandma and my kids miss her when she's gone. I sometimes forget to laugh as often as I should...thanks for always helping me to find the joy in life...
I love you mom! 5.
Family 1st - We always knew we were the most important part of her life. She dedicated herself to our activities and schedules 24/7, and she had fun doing it, even though she was usually toting along a newborn and toddler everywhere she my basketball game that had to be stopped, because my brother got his head stuck in between the bleachers....
I love you mom!6.
She's beautiful - Growing up everyone thought we were sisters. We were even offered a modeling job one time in the mall. We traded clothes and enjoyed shopping like most sisters do. Even though I tease her about looking like a cheerleader, I think she's a beautiful mom inside & out....
I love you mom!7.
A love and dedication to the Gospel - She was always reading her scriptures, doing her genealogy, and fulfilling her callings while keeping a family in tact. She never missed a beat. I still remember the inspirational stories she'd tell about being inspired to do genealogy work for certain family members and the many miracles that would unfold in order for her to accomplish that great work...
I love you mom!8.
A love of the outdoors - Our summer vacations were a week or two camping at the lake. She made it seem as easy outdoors as it was indoors. I love camping because of our summers spent at the lake, eating over a fire, swimming, and enjoying the many activities that the summers at the lake brought....the blackberry cobbler over the campfire was the best!..
I love you mom!9.
Cooking - Everything we ate was made from scratch. I remember coming home to the smell of homemade bread(one of my favorite smells to this day). My mom was the best baker of desserts and casseroles. We spent the fall canning peaches, corn, jams and jellies, and I loved helping(sampling) with the whole process of storing our food. There is nothing better than the taste of homegrown and freshly canned foods. I look forward to picking strawberries, blueberries & whatever else we can find with my own family each year.
Although, my 1st attempt at baking was a flop and my mom threw out the birthday cake I made for her(because of the pure granulated sugar frosting), I've since improved my cooking skills and enjoy cooking/baking for my own family...
I love you mom!10.
Music - My mom had all kinds of music playing in our home. I know all of the ABBA and Bay City Rollers songs because of her 8-tracks. She also loved classical music. I've bought many classical cd's, because it reminds me of home and the sweet feelings of comfort they give as I listen to their music.
One of my favorite memories as a child was watching and listening to my mom play the piano. I use to love the way her fingers would glide across the piano, creating the sounds of each song. I wanted to learn to play the piano just for that reason, and I did!...
I love you mom!HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!