I have never been a real fan of chore charts, only because through the years it has ended up as a battle of wills...
MOM: "Do you have your chores done?"..."No privileges until your chores are done"..."I'm sorry, you didn't get your chores done."
CHILD: "I didn't hear you"...."I forgot"...."PLEASE, I'll do it next time?!"
I've always just been of the mind, "when I ask, you'll do."
Until....this past week when I've been limited in the use of my hands, and I still had dishes, laundry, dusting, bathrooms, etc...on the list to clean. How nice it would have been to already have these chores assigned to be done, rather than me having to ask for it to be done. I was also informed(after being thanked for doing several loads of post-girls camp...pre-EFY laundry for Kaitlyn) that a few of her friends do their own laundry....GREAT IDEA, why didn't I think of that?!?!

So, for now...I'm a fan of chore charts!
Here are a few sites with some simple printable chore charts I found online. They have several according to age, honey do, grocery, menu planning, potty training & lots more!