It was 70 degrees and clear blue skies yesterday, which made it a perfect day for Cody's track meet.
Although, I don't think the runners were ready to run in the heat of the sun.

Cody's 1st event was the 1600(mile).

The team had just gotten to the school & this was one of the 1st events. He didn't have time to stretch and warm up, so he wasn't as prepared as he likes to be before he runs. He ran hard but didn't do as well as he had hoped.

He also ran the 800 meter run. It was one of the last races and the temperature had cooled down a lot by then. He was really excited to run this race.

I couldn't believe all the runners they had running in one heat.

I had positioned myself at the start of the race, so I could take pictures. I was pretty close to the track, so when Cody came around after his 1st lap I offered him some motherly advice. It didn't work. He noticeably started to slow down & didn't run as fast as he had wanted. After the race was over, I went back to find Kaitlyn and she said she noticed Cody had slowed down and wondered what happened. I told her of my
mom yell & she said, "way to go." After the race Cody also confirmed that I had broken his concentration. No more yelling from the sidelines...I guess.

The track meet lasted much longer than we had anticipated. Everyone was tired & hungry by the time it ended.
Although Cody was disappointed in his races, he did place in each of his events. We are looking forward to watching the rest of his track meets.