We were up bright and early this morning to pick blueberries.

Cody was not too happy about the wake-up call, but to beat the heat we had to start early...sorry Cody.

Everyone else was a pretty willing participant.

Even Cody woke up and started picking.

Until he became tired of the camera. Casey started with his
fatherly threats to discourage my picture taking, "Those who don't pick, don't eat!" - Nice try Casey.

The bushes were very wet from the storms the night before. We all ended up looking like we had went swimming instead of picking berries. It's a much slower pick than strawberries. It took us 1 1/2 hours to get 4 buckets of blueberries -vs- 1/2 hour for 4 buckets of strawberries. As time wore on, we had to watch out for Cody who began stealing berries in hopes of finishing his bucket off first.

And then the games began, which always means it is time to go!

We are looking forward to some blueberry pie, pancakes and sauce!