Happy Birthday to my Grandma who is 82 years old today and is in the last stages of Alzheimers. I wish I could be there to visit with her, eat lunch with her, sit with her, nap with her or just watch her, even though she probably would not remember that I came.

I love her and miss her. There isn't a day goes by that I don't think about her.

she loved treating us to frozen yogurt before sleepovers
she loved church
she loved Neo-Life vitamins(which we loved teasing her about)
she loved her grandchildren
she loved her family
she loved helping her family
she loved walking
she loved teaching us(beehives in young women-church) to walk straight, talk proper, and sit like a lady.
she edited my college papers
she said she'd marry Casey if he was her age
she was funny
she liked to laugh
she was my friend
our last visit with her - 10 years ago Happy Birthday Grandma, we love and miss you!