Casey brought home some baby chicks that need to have a blood test before they can mainstream with the others.

Ryan has become quite the parent to these babies over the last few days. He has named them, he has reprimanded them - "What are they doing awake already, I'm going to tell them a thing or two." He has coddled them, fed them, and made sure they are safe.

He tries to get them all asleep at the same time and wants us to keep quiet when he does...wow, that brings back memories!!
Little does he know, they do that on their own all day long while he is at school.

They aren't as cute as others we've had in the past. In fact, they're kind of creepy when they are looking up at you.

They are a black skin featherless breed. They all came from the same mother, but a few came out completely naked and will stay that way, while the others have only naked necks. Ryan thinks the completely featherless ones look more frail, so he has taken it upon himself to be their protector.

Casey, AKA - the Chicken doctor - has given Ryan the nickname "Chicken Whisperer"

of which Ryan takes great pride in!