"If I could save time in a bottle"...this seems to be my frame of mind lately on so many different levels and today was one of them. It was Cody's 15th birthday. How is that even possible?? It seems like just yesterday I was waiting, wishing and hoping for Cody to arrive. He was 2 weeks late and I was given a dose of gel that was suppose to start the process of labor. It didn't work as fast as I had hoped, but within 24 hours I was back in the hospital having Cody on Memorial Day in May of 1996. We didn't have our holiday picnic, but we celebrated the birth of Cody Warren Ritz, which was quite memorable. What a sweet blessing he has been over the last 15 years.

In some ways he has changed so much and in others he is still the same sweet little boy that I loved to cuddle.
Cody was our water dog. Life-guards would cringe at the site of this little 3 year old jumping off of the diving board with his water wings.

He loved the water -

Even if it was coming out of the bathroom sink...

Or bathtub. This is something that has not changed. He is the one who takes the LONGEST showers.

Cody Enjoyed his food...

every last bite-

He still very much enjoys his food. He is the 1st to ask what's on the menu for dinner. He also enjoys cooking and makes a delicious breakfast omelet.

These next two pictures speak for themselves...

Cody was not a fan of Halloween/trick-or-treating and would only go if Kaitlyn was going.

However, he would dress up in Kaitlyn's dress-up clothes and parade around the house without hesitation...

Cody is a wonderful big brother. Ryan loves his Cody. If I was having a hard time with Ryan, Cody would always find a way to cheer him up or cuddle with him like only a brother could.

There are so many things that make Cody fun and unique, things you probably would never know about him unless you really spent the time getting to know him. He is pretty quiet on the surface, but when you know him, he is a fun, quick-witted, sensitive, sweet, smart and caring young man. What a joy you have brought into our family Cody Wody...we love you lots!