I did not grow up in Utah or spend any significant time there, so when I hear others talk about hiking the Y it causes me to think...
*I would like to hike the Y
*I would like to take pictures hiking the Y
*I would like to be able to say I hiked the Y
*I would like to hike the Y with my family
And since we were going to be spending a significant time in Utah this summer, I thought after losing 50 lbs. and running 3-5 miles 4-5 times each week I would definitely be ready and able to hike(walk) 2 miles.
So, We hiked the Y...


and up

we went

until I thought I could go no more...

But the view kept me going

It was beautiful.

It really felt like we were going up a 90 degree angle that would never end.
Ryan opted out of this activity in order to spend time with his friend that had moved to Utah a few months earlier...

Smart move for Ryan, as he would not have enjoyed this family outing much.
We finally made it to the top, very sweaty and tired.

It was a gorgeous view of the Utah valley...

The walk back down had it's own challenges, but now I can say...
*I hiked the Y with my family
*I will never do it again
*A difference in elevation levels between GA & UT matter when hiking the Y
*I was sore for several days after(barely walkable)
*I admire those who do it more than once(Go Lindsey!)
Who's idea was this anyway??