Yesterday was Ryan's 9th birthday. He wanted to stay home from school to celebrate. Mom said no. He wasn't too happy, but he was sent to school with a bag full of monster cookies for his class and a promise mom would meet him for lunch. He was good with that.

Ry with his new bike, which he knew he was getting because dad spilled the beans.

It's a little bigger so turning corners are a bit of a challenge.
But I'm sure with a little practice he'll have it down in no time.

He had his friend party this weekend. I really had to gear myself up for this. Poor Ryan(last child) has gotten the shaft when it comes to birthday parties, so this year I decided I would comply with his wishes and have a birthday party at home with friends. We decided to go with a Circus theme.

We had several games and activities centered around this theme.
*Bean bag bulls-eye*
*Face painting*(and the awesome help)
*potato sack race*
*photo booth*
*Clothespin drop*
We ended the party with a pinata...the head was the first to go. Casey tied it up by its britches, but it didn't work out so well.

So, he resorted to dumping and pouring...

Ryan had a good time and was very thankful for the effort it took in creating the activities and decorations. I'm not sure I'm young enough to do this every year. It wore me out. Next year might have to be dinner and a movie.
**Nine Fun facts about our Ry***

1. He is our sensitive child. A disproving frown from mom or dad would send this child into tears as a toddler.
2. Most requested food - PB&J...he will have it for Breakfast, lunch, snack and/or dinner.
3. Loves to play video games
4. Favorite Book/Move: Diary of a Wimpy Kid
5. He is the child that has lived the longest in the same state he was born.
Andy - 4yrs.(Oregon)
Kaitlyn - 6 months.(Virginia)
Cody - 4 yrs.(Maryland/West Virginia)
Ryan - 9+ yrs. (GA)
6. Hates to go shopping, even if it's for him. No bribe in the world makes it the least bit enticing for Ryan to leave the house for a store.
7. Has a fear of helium balloons - HATES them.
8. Is a chit-chatter. If you don't know Ryan well, you will think he's very quiet and reserved, but once he knows you and is comfortable around you... he is constant conversation. He is the only one of my children that WILL tell me how his day at school went.
9. LOVES okra, especially fresh(straight out of the garden) but will also eat it fried, boiled and pickled.
Happy Birthday sweet Ry, we love you!