Thank you Ry, it was perfect!
“There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues, the most dominating virtues of human society, are created, strengthened and maintained”--Winston Churchill
No, it isn't strawberry season. Not for a few more months will strawberries be ripe,ready, and in season. It doesn't seem to matter how hard I try and how much jam I make each year, I always come up a few months short. I guess next year I'll have to monitor it better. I bought some Smuckers Strawberry jelly a few weeks ago when it was on sale, hoping that it would tide us over. No such luck. Nobody would touch it. Poor Ryan has stopped asking for his PBJ's. They are his favorite, but it just isn't the same. So, I caved. I went to Publix and purchased $20.00 worth of their 2 for $5.00 sale and made a few batches to tide us over.
Shhhhh, don't tell Casey.
No, I'm not the practical one, but Ryan will be SO HAPPY!
to anyone that comes over to our house and parks on our grass for any considerable amount of time(Andy & Janelle), and in which I(mom) need to back out, should probably consider parking elsewhere.
So sorry Kaitlyn, I'm just too old for late-night ice cream runs.