Let's take a few pictures, Cody.

I promise it won't hurt.

You can smile

or not.

I bet I can make you laugh

told you so.

See, this is fun...

Thanks, My Wody boy. You're such a good sport!

“There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues, the most dominating virtues of human society, are created, strengthened and maintained”--Winston Churchill
In my teens I ran to get in shape for basketball season.
In my 20's I ran to stay in shape.
In my 30's I ran in hopes of ridding myself of the extra baby weight I was carrying.
In my 40's I run as a way of therapy. I am not fast, but I enjoy everything about it. I just want to do it. I look forward to my time alone to think and to ponder.
It brings me peace.
I hear answers to my prayers.
I feel closer to deity in the beauty that surrounds me.
I am thankful for the health and strength that allows me to enjoy this time in my life.
What a wonderful blessing!
Sometimes it's so hard. Life isn't always easy, but I love this sweet message to keep the faith. We are not alone(thank goodness), and through our Savior Jesus Christ we can accomplish all things.
It was a combination of Easter and a birthday weekend. It was crazy busy and fun!
At Kaitlyn's request for her birthday dinner, Casey grilled her favorite chicken - a recipe he acquired during his years at Virginia Tech. It has become a family favorite!
Then it was on to the Easter egg hunt
Cody helped out with the hiding, can you tell??
And of course, coloring the eggs...
It was a beautiful weekend, and we enjoyed all of the festivities. But most of all we are so thankful for our Savior and his sacrifice for all of us. There is such hope in the knowledge of the Atonement and Resurrection. It is for all to partake of, and we are blessed to know that we will live again. Death is not final. We will be reunited with our loved ones once again to love and to be loved by them. I am thankful each day for this gift.