I really cannot believe Cody is 17, and we are heading into his senior year. He was my biggest baby(all 9lbs. 7.5oz. of him), but he was my easiest delivery. I'm not sure how that all worked out, but I was grateful. My Aunt Bev flew in from Oregon to help. The hospital was about 40 minutes from our house. We lived in West Virginia, but the hospital was in Maryland. We made several trips back and forth over the course of just a few days. I was induced, and they sent me home. We didn't know if we would be having a Memorial Day picnic or a baby. As it turned out, we had a sweet bundle of boy. Time has went by so quickly. I am feeling older by the minute! I will try and slow things down as to enjoy every single moment of this next year with our Cute Cuddly(not so much anymore - but I still try) Cody.

17 Fun facts about Cody
1. He is quiet on the outside, but noisy on the inside.(quiet if you don't know him but crazy if you do.)
2. He does a great Gollum impression from Lord of the Rings.
3. He taught himself how to play the guitar and is really good.
4. He does not enjoy reading.
5. He loves science.
6. He's a good cook.
7. He's sensitive.
8. He's smart.
9. As a toddler he would bring in walking sticks, preying mantis bugs, and any other creepy crawly he could find.
10. As a 2-3 year old, he could identify any animal on the planet.
11. A hard worker.
12. A super saver. He will save his money forever.
13. Mexican Cuisine is his favorite.
14. He's an Eagle Scout.
15. Extremely competitive.
16. Self motivated and organized - don't touch anything of his, because he will know.
17. Collects hot sauce bottles.
And, he is fun to tease! We can always count on Cody to help out when things need to be done. We are so glad he is part of our clan. Happy Birthday - We love you Cody!!