This is the very first time since leaving Oregon that we have been able to pick blackberries. I have heard there were a couple of farms that had them, but the season is pretty short, and the available times to pick aren't always consistent. Every year I seem to miss it. Casey works with several different farmers in the area, and he knew of one farm that was ready for picking. So, we ventured out for a few buckets of scrumptious blackberries.

The picking went pretty fast, but boy was it HOT. It was nice and breezy until you entered the rows of blackberries and you felt like you had just entered a sauna. The air stood still and sweat began pouring off our faces. We started with two buckets and went back for a third, but I just couldn't do any more.

The fun thing about this farm is they have homemade strawberry ice-cream available, so we purchased a couple of cups and sat down to cool off and enjoy the breeze.

We made a few batches of jam, a blackberry pie(sorry, no picture. It was consumed too quickly.), and froze a few bags for later. I'm looking forward to enjoying several blackberry desserts this year! Thank you Moon Farms!!