This was our forecast Tuesday afternoon, when the kids were let out of school early.
This doesn't happen very often, not even once a year often. So, everyone was pretty excited at the prospect of having a few inches of snow to play in, and of course, not having to go to school the next day was their biggest hope.

It didn't come down very fast. In fact the majority fell after dark. So, they went out for a couple of hours to play in the newly fallen snow(the best kind) in the dark. Unfortunately, the 1-3 inches of newly fallen snow caused extreme chaos along the highways and interstates. People were stranded for hours, walked for miles abandoning their cars to find a warm place for the night - some even spent the night in their cars. It was not a very restful night for many individuals and families. Thankfully, there were a lot of businesses - Home-Depot, Kroger, Publix, and many more organizations, churches, and schools that opened their doors for people who found themselves stranded for the night. Here are a few images I found online of the Atlanta area GRIDLOCK during the snowfall:
Amazing stories of kindness and generosity came out of the woodwork. People helping people in ways unthinkable. Here are just a couple of them:
As for us in Athens, thankfully, we were safe and warm. Ryan woke up early to enjoy his snow day home from school.
Unfortunately, they only had a two hour delay this morning. Ry was bummed.
It's not even February yet, who knows...maybe more snow is in our future!