It's that time of year again, and I'm having a hard time keeping up. May is jammed pack full of activities, so I knew I needed to get out there and get berries as soon as they were ready. I made three different trips. The first trip was with my little buddy Kody. He was a great helper, but eating the berries was his favorite part. He just kept saying, "I'm going to try this one Sharlee" over and over. We did good and ended up with 3 buckets that day.

The next day we went as a family(minus Cody) after dinner to get a few more buckets, because a pretty strong storm was moving in and I was afraid it would destroy my chances of stocking up(I'm a little paranoid when it comes to my berries), so I convinced everyone to come and help.

Ryan was my very best helper from beginning to end this year. He helped stem the berries, crush the berries and not just one night but a couple of nights for a combination of 15 gallons of berries. Thank you Ry!

The last time I went was because I saw this post on facebook...

I just couldn't let this go by without participating, so little Kody and I went again! He was a trooper. He collected rocks and ate some more strawberries. I was really too busy picking to take very many pictures this go around, but I did manage a few.
We made strawberry Jam, syrup, Angel food cake, and my most favorite strawberry eats was the strawberry ice cream.

It was so good. I could probably have eaten the entire 4 quarts myself!