It was a busy week around here. Kaitlyn graduated from the University of Georgia - Yay!! She had her Art graduation on Wednesday that we all attended, followed by a delicious dinner. The overall UGA graduation ceremony was Friday, which we skipped - super long and super crowded, so she opted out of that one but it was a great week filled with lots of fun and celebration. Andy graduated this past October with his Bachelor's degree as well, but with Casey's accident and everything that followed we didn't have a chance to celebrate, so we took this past weekend to party with both graduates. The weather was amazing and we enjoyed great food, great company, and lots of pictures!!

Alex also came home from his 2 year church mission in Paraguay!
He joined in on some of the weekend festivities - So good to see him!
Josh's birthday is coming up, so we decided to have a small celebration while everyone was here as well - Such a cutie!
We also took some selfies
And last but certainly not least, it was Mother's Day weekend - which meant we got to skype with our missionary in Canada!
He is doing so good and enjoying his time in each area he is called to serve. He sounds like a true frenchman. We love and miss our Cody, but we sure do enjoy his weekly updates and are thankful for his example as he continues to work hard as a missionary. And because it was Mother's Day, I knabbed a selfie with our missionary!! ---Happy Mother's Day to me!!
It really was a perfect weekend! Can we have a do-over?!