Last weekend we met Andy and family in Helen. Kaitlyn had requested some porridge that we can only find at a store there, so we decided to spend the day in the mountains enjoying the beautiful fall colors and spend some time with family.
We stopped by a fun country store that had all kinds of amazing goodies. We picked up some boiled peanuts, yummy fried pies, and candy for the boys.
They also had a small pumpkin patch with some fun activities for the kids. We stopped long enough to look at the petting zoo and take a few pictures.
It was the last weekend for their fall festival in Helen, so it was pretty busy. We fought the traffic and crowds, walked around a few stores and headed over to pick up our porridge.

Everyone was getting hungry, so we decided it was time to find some food. Kaitlyn had told us about a store that had some good eats, so we headed over to another cute country store. It was a fun grocery store with a few sandwiches, but it didn't have much on the eating menu for kids. So, we checked out the live bee-hive and went on our way.
We ended up driving a ways down the road for a late lunch at Cheddar's.
One of the best things on the menu, in my opinion!
We enjoyed our day in the mountains and are now in countdown mode for the holidays!!