Our Christmas break consisted of 3 weeks filled with all of the family home for the holidays, so it was a busy time full of good eats, games, movies, shopping, and fun. Cody and Amy arrived first. We didn't waste any time and hit up our favorite Mexican hot spot for a lunch break.

Andy and family arrived soon after. We wrapped presents, finished up Christmas shopping, went to the movies, and did our annual gingerbread house building. The competition was fierce!

Casey was the jury and judge. He chose Andy's as 1st place winner for the detailed fire and such. Kailtyn wasn't far behind with her chimney smoke effect she worked hard to create. Janelle was also in Casey's top 3 for her detailed design. Meanwhile Josh decided to just make a pile of yummi-ness. layers and layers of frosting and sprinkles made for a happy house maker. They were all great! It's always fun to see everyone's ideas and designs. We decided next year we want to implement a "secret ingredient" aspect to the competition. Good times!

The weather was warm and beautiful for the most part over the break, which made for some outside play and a park day....IN SHORTS! Man, I love Georgia!!

We also had a Morning with Grandma. I had to run a few errands and decided I'd take the boys and stop by 5 and Below(toys and treats for $5 or less) and pick out a few toys and goodies. We also enjoyed lunch out at Chic-fil-A. Funny tidbit of the morning was that Josh would do things and then tell me, "take a picture of this grandma." I will never decline the opportunity for picture taking, especially if there is volunteer posing involved! So cute!!

We saw Christmas lights...or a village of Christmas lights! Always a fun place to visit.

We let off a few explosives welcoming in the New Year! Things got pretty loud and crazy for awhile. Our poor neighbors.

We also had an engagement/proposal take place! WoW!! We are super excited for Amy & Cody!!

Kailtyn and I went and took some engagement photos of the cute couple! I can't post any of the pictures until we send out invitations, so coming soon...May 2017.

It was a fun, crazy, busy, insane 3 weeks full of everything we could possibly cram into our time together. It went by too quickly, and now we look forward to May when we will see everyone again!!