I have been blessed with great friends. Living in 4 different states over the course of my 46 years, I've managed to gather a few favorite friends along the way. Friendships are the life-blood of life. They give strength, love, courage, and some much needed therapy, as well as fun in this (sometimes difficult) journey of life. Last weekend, I was able to spend a few days with one of those friends. As always it went by too fast, but we had so much fun. Heather and I have been friends for over a decade. Our lives have paralleled in so many different ways - some happy/some sad. We are both planning a wedding this summer for our returned missionaries(that left and came home within weeks of each other). Life is good, and I'm so thankful to have such great friends!

I had gotten tickets to the Phantom of the Opera at the Fox Theater in Atlanta, so Heather drove from North Carolina to come with me and watch this amazing show! We had so much fun!!

As always it went by way too fast! We just needed a couple more days! Thank you Heather for being such a great friend! One of these days we'll have a Girls Week instead of just a weekend!