We had visitors...

It was a weekend that seemed to go by pretty fast and furious. Andy and the family came early Saturday morning and left Sunday afternoon. We tried to cram as much as we possibly could in the 24 hours that we had together.
So, we colored eggs.
We had an egg hunt.

And we just had some fun!
Always my little helper...
Oh, and this got done....after 10 years of home ownership we managed to finally get the one set of shutters up that were not up when we bought the house. We are making progress...slowly, but surely. Good job guys!

We also managed to get a few family Easter pictures taken. Pictures are not everyone's favorite thing to do. I'm really the only one that gets excited about taking them. We have a grandpa who is over it after the first 1-3 takes, and a toddler who would rather play or eat Easter chocolate, or do anything other than take pictures, and two boys that are just not that into it. But they all suffer through and after a few moans and groans and a little spray-n-wash for a white shirt smeared with chocolate, we managed a few cute pictures that we will treasure FOREVER. Thank you family for amusing me in my picture taking addiction!! You'll thank me later, I promise!
It was a wonderful Easter weekend. I'm so thankful for the time we are able to spend together. I'm grateful for this time of year to reflect on the atonement. It's a very personal love that I feel for my Savior and the love he continues to show to me on a daily basis, even though I'm not perfect and I make mistakes he is always there to love me, guide me, and bless me. It's a wonderful gift to feel the unconditional love that is given to us. I hope I can always share that same love towards my family, friends and anyone who might need it. I loved the video that was shared this year. What a beautiful message...