Honestly May felt like a complete blur. It came and went so fast I don't even remember most of the details, but I do know we had a blast. Cody and Amy were the first to fly in, and it was the first of 10 trips I took back and forth to the airport for the month, yay me! We spent a few days in Athens before heading back into Atlanta for a few wedding prep activities.
We went for another round of strawberry picking, so we could make some treats and a little more jam. I was lucky enough to have help this time around, which always makes it faster and more fun!
Kaitlyn and Alex flew in next, along with my Mom and Bev. We had a houseful at one point with Andy and his family here as well. It was so much fun to enjoy family time. We ate out, watched and went to movies, played games, and just enjoyed spending time together. We don't get to do that very often with everyone at the same time! I will treasure it forever!!
And then there was the WEDDING DAY! We have certainly been blessed by so many friends and family over the years. We are so thankful for those near and far that were able to come and we missed those that couldn't(Grandpa). It was a beautiful day!!

So, a bit of a throwback with Bev and Cody. Bev has always been a special part of my life. I spent some of my summers with her when I was younger and she was always so fun to visit and talk to. She is a rock. She is a person that is dependable and giving. She has always been such a supportive, funny, and amazing person in my life. She was able to come out when Cody was born to help, and as luck would have it she also made it out for his graduation and most recently his wedding. I'm so thankful my children have also been able to know Bev and experience her sweet spirit. Everyone needs a Bev. We love our Bev!!

Before everyone started leaving we had a cook-out to celebrate Cody and Andy's birthdays. The request was Casey's chicken, of course. So, we ate, visited, and took a few more selfies while enjoying our last few minutes together!

Oh, and there were smores!
Family time is the best time! Thank you May for the memories!!