February seemed to go by in a flash. Casey had surgery to repair an abdominal hernia, so we spent most of the month in recovery mode. They were hoping to do it laparoscopic, but that didn't work out so he's had a longer and more intense recovery. Recovery is never fun, but especially when you've got places to go and work to do. He's on the mend now, and I continue to be his mother, reminding him what he should and shouldn't be doing...other than that he is healing, slowly but surely.
His favorite socks(not really)...His schedule consisted of rest, walk, repeat. So, we called our walks outside our "walkabouts" in search of Casey's #1 yard enemy - the dandelion. He can spot them a mile away, and if you didn't already know...dandelions are 100% edible, but we didn't eat them. We just collected them into a bag to be tossed away, so the seeds could not spread around in our yard.
Bye-Bye Dandelions
He also had a fun reunion with a not so yummy drink. Thankfully the reunion didn't last long!
I took him on a field trip to one of my favorite spots in Athens. It a juice shop that makes fresh juice daily from raw, natural and local ingredients. This particular juice will cure whatever is in need of curing...known or unknown - It's my favorite!
We are also blooming around here, so spring is in the air. We've had a few warmer days, which is so nice! I love spring!!

Even though recovery is hard, it also is something that requires a mandatory slowdown. I like that. We are so busy during our days/weeks, it's nice to be forced to slow down every once in awhile, take a break and enjoy the time spent together a little more!
Hopefully this is the last of the surgeries for awhile, but we definitely need to try and make more time to rest, relax and repeat!!