We have always loved following Casey on his work trips in the summer, which are usually to a beach somewhere. This year our first trip was to Charleston South Carolina. We had never been, so we were excited. We only had three days to spend there, so our time was limited on what we could see and do. We ended up mostly at the beach, but ventured out on the last day to the markets downtown. Andy and family met us there, so we enjoyed spending the time with them as well - The more the merrier!
Beach pictures are my very favorite, so I took lots and lots!!
and lots more
Morning beach runs are the very best!
The sunsets are also my favorite - so beautiful!!

We were really looking forward to some good (seafood) eats while we were there, but unfortunately we seemed to strike out every single time. It was super disappointing. We will not make the same mistake twice! But we still had fun and made the best of it while paying way too much for not super great seafood. Boo!!
Market Shopping
Grandpa trying to squeeze Josh into a drawer at the hotel. He thought it was fun at first, but then wasn't so sure about it.
It's always hard to say goodbye to the beach. So much fun!!