January and February always seem to go so slow and last forever. Thankfully Cody came for a visit in February which made things a little more exciting!
Casey wasn't able to burn with all the wet weather, but he decided he'd try it anyway. Our fire pit wasn't completely dry but he managed to find a way to get his pile burned. at one point he was in the pit trying to move things around, underestimating the moisture and started sinking into the hot coals so he hopped and rolled onto the ground with his shoes steaming.
We started having septic issues with all the rain. We ended up having to pump our tank, even though we just had it done 1.5 yrs. ago. Not fun. It was full of water that didn't have time to drain. Part of the problem is that when they built the pool they covered part of our drain field(which isn't supposed to be allowed), so it can cause problems with a lot of rain. Basically it was just a bad combination of a few things, so we paid a lot of $$ to have mostly water drained out of our tank, and then we could shower and use water in the house again. Yay!
It was teacher appreciation week in February. We had a lot of parents generously gift us with a variety of things. So nice💓 I also managed to catch strep, so that wasn't fun. I missed a day of work for recuperation time.
We had some beautiful sunrises and sunsets. I love it when I can be there to catch the view.

My walking buddy. It's so nice she's back in town and we can see each other often💓

Cody had a couple of weeks he was doing rotations remotely, so he was able to come home and enjoy some time with family.
he cooked dinner a couple times😍
We went out a few times...
Oyster shots...
And we went to Andy and Janelle's so see Gibb's Gardens opening day and celebrate Seth's Sweet 16🎂
Trying to find the best lighting....
Happy Birthday to our Sethie! #16
Cody helped Casey in the yard, digging up some deep roots. We also had a fire the night before he left.
It was a beautiful night! The starts were shining bright🌟