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Wednesday, June 5, 2024


 May brought more beautiful flowers.  I love picking them and having my own bouquets.

We finished up the pool clean up, so we could swim! 

Our May Birthday Boys...

Cody is in his homestretch of Medical School.  He's worked hard, and has gotten a few last rotations this summer.  His first is at Ms. Sinai in Manhattan and one in July at Emory in Atlanta! Yay, a little closer.  He also has an EM rotation at Brown University Hospital in Rhode Island.  He will be done with everything  at the end of September.  He did an extra year for his MPH(Masters in Public Health), so he will have some time(a few months) to come home and put in his applications for Residency. Such a busy and exciting time.  


Andy has gotten a promotion at work this year.  A position he created for himself as a result of his hard work in his job as a security Specialist for the last 12 years.  He is over several areas now and travels to train other employees around the country. He's a people person and is very good at what he does, so he's a natural when it comes to leadership and quality control.  He's a helper at heart, and is always willing to learn and grow in order to help others. So proud of my Andy POO💓


And cute Mr. Josh also had a birthday in May.  So hard to believe he's almost a teenager😢


May is for Mother's - Happy Mother's Day!!

I booked myself a massage, and it was wonderful!  I've been trying to get one as often as I can😍

Ry got me a collection of Olipops(my favorite) for Mother's Day this year.  This flavor was a new one, and the can was so cute!  

Kaitlyn and Alex came over for dinner.  Kaitlyn got me a pink ( barbie-like)shirt that says "MY JOB IS TEACH".  If you watched the Barbie move then you will know the reference😂

Andy posted this picture of Janelle with the boys, and I love it!  So sweet of all of them.  She's such a good Mom, who takes care of her family of boys so well💓 

And (of course) I'm thankful for my amazing MOM, who everyone thought was my sister😂

We were also able to go and watch Seth play baseball over Memorial Weekend.  It was a hot one, but we all(me, casey and kaitlyn) made it through one game.  Josh opted to come home with us after the 2nd game. Seth, Andy and Janelle stayed through all 3 games that day.  It was a long one for them, and Seth caught all 3 games.  He did so well and they won the tournament.  They came to the house and stayed for the weekend to swim in between the games😊

Josh decided he wanted to stay at Grandma's for a week.  He chilled upstairs (playing video games with his friends) and had the bonus room to himself most of the week.  We did take a trip to Dairy Queen for lunch one day😄 Andy and Janelle came and picked him up, swam and relaxed, since it was a weekend without baseball tournaments.  

                 We've been picking our blueberries and making all things blueberry.  It's been so nice!

                                                         CLICK HERE FOR RECIPE

                                                    And this....
                                                            Welcome to summer in GA

Monday, June 3, 2024


April(not March) came in like a lion and out like a lamb.  We had a storm come in that knocked down a few trees.  They weren't big, but they did block our driveway.  Casey left to go to work and came right back in to change clothes and get his chainsaw to move the tree.  Thankfully I didn't have to work that day, so Ry and I helped him clear the driveway and clean up our yard.  It took all three of us most of the morning.  

Casey had a nice big fire pile to burn after we were all done.....😆

He had to wait a few days though, because our burn pit was full of water😐

By the end of April our flowers were blooming, and our yard was full of color😊

We also had an eclipse in April.  We were only partial, so it didn't get too dark, but just enough where you could see a difference.  Ry had his glasses from 7 years ago when we could see it more, so we used them and it was still very cool to witness such a rare phenomenon.  The shadows and dimming make it such an eerie feeling. Everything seems to get really quiet. The birds and outside noise hush for a moment of darker(ness) in the atmosphere.

Ry found a baby turtle on our porch.  Casey said it was a newly hatched turtle, because it was so small.  Ry and Casey thought they'd keep it for a pet but then researched what it would take to keep it and decided to let it go😏

We had some beautiful days in April.  I love it when everything starts to come back to life, and it begins to stay light longer.  It gives me hope that warmer/lighter days are coming.  I love the warmth the sun brings in the spring🌞


We opened up the pool.  It actually didn't look too bad.  Usually it hast a tint of green, but it was bright blue.  It was the cleanest it's ever been after just removing the cover!  Woohoo!! 

But there was still a lot of clean up around the pool that happened before swim season began.