A fear of spiders, snakes, and any other crawling creature I COMPLETELY understand, but a fear of helium balloons throws me for a loop. Ryan has this unexplainable fear of helium balloons, and he will tell you it's because he thinks they are going to fly away & get tangled up or make other things get tangled....so I'm not really sure why that's so scary, but he goes CRAZY at the site of any flying balloons. It doesn't matter where we are. He becomes completely irrational & unmanageable. Today was no exception, as we went to our county's fall festival full of MANY fun & festive helium balloons. For the first 1/2 hour he walked around in a daze, feeling as though he was surrounded by his own worst nightmare. I'm sure people wondered what we had done to this poor child.

He Began to get better as time went on (30-40 min.). We tried to distract him with some work of a local taxidermist.
A few of our favorites....
Gyros, frozen lemonade, and kettle corn
A Good Time had by all!
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