Free Cotton Candy

Games for the kids to play

and blue slushies!

We went swimming that afternoon with some friends. The kids enjoyed having races in the river.

(apparently Kaitlyn didn't hear the word "GO")...

Casey was able to do some fishing but had to walk down the river to get away from the splashing kids.

We came home for a delicious dinner & blueberry pie. Ryan couldn't wait to get out & start the fireworks portion of the evening, so we waited as long as we possibly could and then began with the poppers(or poparotzies..as Ryan calls them).

The kids(and adults) didn't want to bother with the crowds for the 4th of July, so we created our own... somewhat smaller fireworks display.

We had a wonderful day full of friends, family, food and fun. How grateful we are to live in a place where we can enjoy such blessings given to us and for the individuals and families who sacrifice their time and sometimes their lives for these freedoms...Happy 4th of July!!
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