A little too much survivor time in our house led Ryan to persuade me into purchasing a coconut for him to eat.

Everyone became excited and wanted to be the first to try the scrumptious coconut milk.

Cody grabbed the biggest 1/2 and began guzzling...only it wasn't as delicious as the survivor competitors made it out to be. He immediately spit it out(I wish I would have gotten a picture). We then tried the coconut itself, which didn't prove to be any more scrumptious.

The coconut is not a sweet eat, but because it is usually an ingredient included in many desserts it is thought to be a sweet treat...OR if you've been on an island for 30 days, anything will taste good.

I wonder what fun eats the next season of Survivor will bring...
That's funny. I can't believe you and Casey didn't tell them it isn't sweet. And the pictures make it look like Casey got it open in one shot - what a man! Are you going to shred it and and it to a yummy dessert? Oh, that's right, you don't like coconut.
Glad to see we are not the only ones STILL watching! and loving it!
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