I wish I had taken pictures when we first moved in, but Cody and Ryan would find big long sticks and sharpen the tips on our driveway to make spears(really sharp). Ryan would collect piles and piles of these spears and would have to hide them from Casey, who upon finding them would throw them into his fire-pile(where all sticks eventually end up).

I am now watching three little boys during the week, and they also have become enchanted with the sticks in our yard.

On any given day the sticks are wands, lightsabers, swords, bows, guns, and yesterday they were building tools for Avery's house of leaves.

Young and old, the sticks are treasures to be found.

Each day adventures are made...

And many times arguments are had over whose sticks are whose.

But one thing is for sure - battles are fought, enemies are defeated, and lives are saved if they can just find the right stick.

This is great!
OK, so this post made me laugh out loud! I can totally relate! Especially the parts about Ryan hiding the sticks so Casey doesn't burn them (Jason must be his brother because he burns our boys sticks all the time!:)) And the part about the boys all fighting over whose stick is whose! Uhhhhh..... Yeah, that happens here too.
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