Each year we look forward to our annual strawberry picking at the farm. However, for the first time in years the strawberries were smaller and not as pretty or sweet. It took us longer than usual to pick just 3 buckets.

Seth was still our very best flagger

And it was still fun.

Ryan won for biggest and prettiest berry of the morning.

Our 3 buckets(instead of our usual 9-10). I was bummed.

I'm not sure if we have just been spoiled in years past or if the early picking season has anything to do with the smaller-less attractive berries, but I will be trying again in a couple of weeks in hopes of finding bigger-prettier-sweeter berries.

We ate some, froze some, made strawberry shortcake, and dipped some in chocolate. We enjoyed what we had and would LOVE to have some more!

1 comment:
YUM! We won't have ours for another 2 months!
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