I'm sure you've seen the commercial. I saw it several times before I decided to take part in a summer science project for the kids. It sounded fun and something that Ryan and the kids I watch would enjoy, so I ordered the live butterfly garden.

I wasn't quite prepared of how they would look when they arrived. I understand they start out as the hungry caterpillar, but when I saw them I just really wanted to puke. Science was not my area of interest in school. In fact, when Casey and I were dating for some reason on one of our first dates he decided to tell me he had a bug collection...what??? It was not an endearing quality to me. Eventually I got past it, and thankfully the caterpillars only lasted a few days before they started building their cocoons. It was really cool to watch the whole process in action.

They attached themselves to a paper on the inside of the lid. Once they were formed we(Casey) moved them over to their temporary home that was provided. It took about a week before they started emerging as butterflies.

After watching them for a few days we released them. It was crazy how fast they grew. Fun fact I didn't know about butterflies is their life span is only a couple of weeks. Their main objective is to lay more eggs.

Following the butterfly

We found it
Overall it was a fun experience and the kids loved watching the process. Now when we read the Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle we will understand it better, because we watched it happen.
Cool! My mom bought one of those for Glenn years ago for his birthday. I was supposed to send away for the caterpillars and I never did. I'm glad it worked for you. I might have to send away for some now.
On our first date when Jason told me he was majoring in entomology I played it cool and acted interested even though I had NO clue what that was! I went home and luckily my dad knew. haha
I can deal with his love of bugs, but I don't know how you could ever deal with Casey's love of taxidermy. :) Has he ever done any taxidermy since you have been married?
hahahaha, I was the same way when Casey mentioned poultry. It's a longstanding joke in our house. He's only had a turkey that he shot in WV put on the wall. It was very tastefully done and looks nice because of the feathers. Any other empty shells and such he keeps at his office. The kids love it and it's fun to go and visit, but all at a distance is much better for me to take in.
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