We had a busy and fun Christmas. Andy and family came and stayed the week of Christmas. Alex and Kaitlyn flew in and were also here the week of Christmas, and we were able to skype our Canadian missionary on Christmas, so it was a great week with lots of fun activities.
We had our annual Gingerbread house construction. Everyone took their time and created their own masterpiece. Kaitlyn's had lights, Andy had a cozy house complete with a Christmas tree with lights, Alex's house was reaching the skyscraper category, Ry had a fire and a pooping dog, Seth decided to play it safe and just have a flat roof, and Josh(who just decorated a tree) was given free reign of a couple sprinkle bottles, which he used up within minutes. They were all very unique in their own "special" way.
We also went to the movies and saw Star Wars - I was in the 2nd grade and with my grandma when I last saw Luke and Leia on the big screen, so it was a pretty nostalgic afternoon for me.
Josh and Seth posing at the theater with a movie prop.
We also had a temple night in Atlanta.
Our weather was warm and wet for the most part of the break, but there were a few nice and sunny days we were able to get out and play(thank goodness!).
Somebody loves to swing.

I had a very special helper all week. He was always asking to help. "I a good helper" he'd say, and yes he was! The very best....and the very cutest!
We had a wing night
And a El Sol night
(I think Casey's tired of my picture taking)And last but not least, we had a very nice Christmas
with a very special skype. He is doing so good. We miss him so much, but it makes my heart happy he is loving where he is at and the people he is with.
It was a very Merry Christmas!

Wishing you all a very Happy & Healthy New Year!