And this one really does. Casey became the town celebrity with this catch, but it was quite the miracle in and of itself. Never mind the fact that a year ago we didn't imagine that life would be anywhere near normal again. We hoped it would be and longed for it to be, but it was a long road of recovery for Casey. He's still not 100%, but he's better than he was. Andy's father in law is a member of hunt club and has invited Casey over several times to hunt. Casey's finally at a point where he feels better more than he hurts(most days), so we decided to venture over for the weekend and let Casey have his hunt. The week before Casey had work meetings in Kentucky. He had just gotten home from an 8 hour drive, and was very worn out and tired. We almost cancelled the weekend hunting plans, but decided we'd make the 2 hour trip and enjoy a visit with the grand kids, if nothing else. We made it to the hotel late and Casey was exhausted and didn't know if he would be up for the 5 a.m. wake-up call. The night before Andy had went over and set up a spot for Casey, so he wouldn't have to do a lot of walking. They call it a blind(where they sit, wait and watch for the deer). Andy arranged the space, so all Casey would basically have to do was sit and wait. It was the only way Casey could manage hunting at this point. So, after arriving in his designated area Casey sprayed his deer scent(deer urine) that is supposed to attract the deer, and within a few minutes he had a deer in sight. He took his shot, and after only being out in the woods a little over an hour Casey brought down the beast(buck). A one shot wonder, and with a gun he hasn't sited in or shot for over 15 years - A miracle of sorts. To say it was a morale boost is an understatement. Janelle's dad was so impressed with the size, he wanted to take it around town to show a few people. Everyone said that it's the biggest deer they've seen. Casey was the man of the hour/morning/weekend, and it did his spirits good!

Funny thing is, Casey doesn't really like deer meat. I grew up eating it and love it, so we took a few good portions of meat home and left the rest for Andy and family to enjoy.
Janelle and I took the boys around town for a few pictures while the men were hunting. The scenery is always so beautiful in the mountains, and I love taking pictures so the boys endured a few shots for Grandma's picture taking frenzy.

I love that they had these signs up around town.

We went to their house for a while and played with the chickens....well, watched Josh play with the chickens.

They follow him around like he's their momma until he tries to touch them, then they run for their lives. Janelle captured one, so Josh could get up close and personal. He was thrilled!

We were also able to catch a basketball scrimmage of Seth's while we were there.

Go Sethie!

After the game was over, we grabbed a bite to eat for dinner and then headed back home. It was a great weekend full of lots of adventure!
So happy for Casey! Love the pictures. Those mountains sure are beautiful. I hope we get out that way one day.
Go Casey! I love deer meat. I just cant see the deer beforehand.
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