Cody only had a few short weeks here in Georgia before he was headed to Utah to start fall semester at BYU. So, we crammed in as much fun and shopping as we could during that time.
He spent some time unpacking and getting reacquainted with his guitar.

He also wanted to enjoy some GA treats he'd missed while he was gone. You can't find these just anywhere, so he splurged on a full cup of boiled peanuts.

Poor Ry started school the beginning of August, so we did some school shopping.

Ryan's not a fan of my picture taking, especially in public places.
Cody had to report about his mission(what are his favorite experiences and such), so we got dressed up and enjoyed some frozen yogurt after he was finished, and of course, we got some pictures.
Andy and his family came to visit for a few days, so we enjoyed another restaurant in town. It was also Mexican cuisine and really good! We enjoyed the food as well as the fun atmosphere. It was hard to get Josh to eat his dinner when everything around him looked like a carnival.

We also had time for Casey to cook up his delicious chicken. It's a pretty intense process and takes several hours, so it usually only happens once or twice a year. We sure love it and look forward to it each and every time!
Casey becomes the Grill master, and yes that is a toilet brush he is using for marinating. It's a clean one, used only for this purpose. He says it's the only/easiest thing that grabs the marinade well enough to use while cooking. Andy is always a little concerned when he sees it being used. We reassure him it hasn't been cleaning any toilets.

We even had time for a quick trip to the lake
It was the first time I'd seen so much algae in the water. It turned the water green and you couldn't get in and swim without getting some of it on you. It was pretty gross.
It was a beautiful weekend full of pancakes at grandma's, helping grandpa, and just spending lots of family time together, which is always the best time of all!