Cody decided he wanted to have a car while he was at school in Utah, so I had the pleasure of accompanying him on the 2-day (14+ hours-per day) drive out west. To say it was easy would be stretching the truth a bit. It started out well and we were in high spirits, but as each hour wore on, our strength to endure began to fade. My driving shift was the morning, so I would start out around 5:00 a.m. and hand it over to Cody around 3:00 p.m. We would drive until dark, which was usually somewhere between 8-9:00.
Each morning kinda looked like this...
Day 1 -

Day 2 -

It was rough. A lot rougher than I ever remember it. I'm older, so these speed drives across the United States have become more difficult to accomplish without feeling the effects. We stopped several times, allowing for stretching and much needed breaks. Thank goodness for iTunes and Diet Pepsi, and this one bathroom that I will never forget. I have never experienced a heated seat, so this was warmly welcomed on a very early morning in Nebraska!

Our first night we(Cody) managed to find a gem of a Mexican restaurant right off the interstate. It was a welcomed site and was unbelievably delicious...ranked up there pretty close to our beloved Sr. Sol in Athens.
They had this amazing art all around the restaurant. I LOVED it! I wish I could find out who the artist is. All of the pictures were really cool optical illusions. I wanted to take pictures of all of the artwork on the walls, but I didn't want to be too intrusive and interrupt everyone's mealtime. So, if anyone knows who the artist is and how I can get a hold of the art, please let me know!
For the most part the weather was good and the scenery breathtaking. There were only a few spotty storms that popped up here and there. They didn't last too long, and Cody managed to drive successfully through most of them(better him than me).
We live in a beautiful world. It was an amazing adventure that I hope not to repeat anytime soon! If we do it again, we will take our time and make it a vacation, stopping to enjoy the many sites along the way!
We arrived safely and were very excited to be in Utah...our final destination!!
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