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Sunday, July 11, 2021

Family Time

We were able to enjoy some time together in June with all the kids home.  We celebrated birthdays, swam, shopped, played games, and enjoyed our time. **Warning** = Lots of pictures😀💙💚💛💜

Seth couldn't get over Alex's USA speedo😂

May birthday boys💗

I'm a donut snob, but I've seen on social media a few local places that people were saying were good.  They were pricey, but we decided to try them anyway.  They were okay, but we weren't impressed. Lesson learned.  $ doesn't = quality. Honestly,  Publix has really good donuts and if you warm them up they are even better😻

We did several antiquing trips.  There are so many places close to us that have great selections.  It's crazy the toys I played with when I was young are now considered antiques👀

Sassy & Classy😂💚

Josh came and stayed with us for a week, while Andy and Janelle worked and Seth was at the beach with a friend.  We swam, played, and shopped for some fun treats.

Josh's couch fort...

Baseball with Uncle Ry

Basketball with Uncle Ry

And pool time after each game...

Janelle sent some fun activities for Josh in the mail.  He was excited!

Josh loves fires and smores, so we had a few of each.


Kaitlyn entered one of her paintings in our local art gallery's exhibition.  We went and looked at all the artwork.  So exciting and so proud of our talented artist.  You can find her website HERE

I found this at Hobby Lobby a few months ago😃

Family time is my favorite time!  Love spending time with everyone💙💘💚💛💜

Kaitlyn bought a bubble gum making kit, so Ryan made it and they all blew bubbles. It tasted and had the consistency of the old Hubba Bubba bubble gum I had when I was a kid.


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