“There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues, the most dominating virtues of human society, are created, strengthened and maintained”--Winston Churchill
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Monday, December 23, 2019
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Lanier Under The Lights 5K
I ran in my favorite 5k again this year! I don't really enjoy running races, but this one is a favorite of mine. It starts at dark and the race is lit up by Christmas lights around Lake Lanier. The runners are treated to a Christmas ambiance with holiday music and a view in the dark that is one of a kind. They had more vendors this year, so Casey treated himself to a few of the foodie freebies before the race began.
People dress up and there are prizes for the best Christmas costumes with different categories.
Contest Categories:
*Best Santa Claus
*Best Christmas Tree
*Best Snowman
*Best Grinch or Grinch Movie Cast Member
*Best Single Theme Group
*Best Single Theme Family
*Best Christmas Bulb
*Best Christmas Elf
*Best Reindeer
*Best Christmas Gift/Wrapped Present
*Best Cool Christmas Costume (For costumes that don't fall under the previous 10 categories) Santa also makes an appearance for pictures and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas! It's so much fun!!
You can see pictures of the costumes here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=ms.c.eJxNU9dtQEEI2yiil~%3B0Xix4EX34tXDB3EhTEGSWZRMo~%3BsgB5m0YG~%3BQFh~_U2wy02kD0XsD6iwjxJ0GuEjygZR0RG10yhXyei2uAnnEbU6jeKhFFy0gkmlD0ijoXgj6dr62ZbxUpCjYiisB6gNEH5AbFLCtkWfhmL9Ctptj1IUAyBHtg9FEzk2OnZJWtuG7TZG~%3BxrbibyJiJpgfaLRvYdChZxb8qvQtkLcJRd4fdie0u1d7ktqCSB0gLjlKuXT8EaFPYeKR6kYyrutbjBBsKQVRae6nSo6ZZsKuQDUPJi3i45t6dl6TnTHLt4jWqjQS3aCAPACEKXptDzQx7owlqNpjPEKQ9aWHjAfqAwfiOdpcxWCTaeuDcA2Kf8Cpc64dA~-~-.bps.a.2606015679436898&type=1
And everyone gets a participation medal and a t-shirt!
Proceeds benefit The Marine Corps Toys for Tots, and Hamilton Mill Christian Church of Buford 'Secret Santa Mission. It's a wonderful start to the Christmas season.