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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happy 19th Birthday Kaitlyn

19 reasons why we think you're the best Kaitlyn Ritz daughter in the whole wide world -

1. You're kind - you remind me to be nice.
2. You're funny - in a sassy, quiet kind of way that I love.
3. You're smart - Go Dawgs!

4. You're humble - sweet girl
5. You're a good friend - always my shopping/lunch buddy confidant
6. You're beautiful, inside and out

7. You're patient - even when you don't want to be.
8. You're my running buddy - protecting me from the big, scary dogs.
9. You're a peacemaker - you avoid confrontation/contention.
10. You're talented - I'm continually amazed by your creative talent in the arts.

11. She's easy to get along with - Cody

12. Her sense of humor, good example and strength in the Gospel - Andy

13. Her witty optimism - Dad

14. She can be funny, she helps me, and her scares(they have games of scaring each other) are good - Ryan

15. You're a wonderful house-cleaner-surpriser.
16. You're determination - Straight A's your 1st semester in college.
17. You're testimony - You know who you are and it shows in all you do.
18. Empathy for others - you have an innate ability to understand.
19. We love you for so many reasons, but most of all we love you for just being you!


Pinewood Derby

Ryan had his pinewood derby last week. It's a big deal(more for the dads then the boys - at-least in our house) Ryan was hoping Casey would behave this year(his words). They make, paint, and decorate their own cars. The week before they have a weigh in. The cars can't be over 5.0 ounces.

They combine with a couple other troops and race their cars they've made. Our track had a bit of a bump in one of the lanes. I'm sure they(the dads) will fix that before next year, because it created a bit of a disadvantage to the car in that lane. NOBODY wanted to be in that lane. You can see Ryan's car has been bumped off the lane.

Oh well, it was fun and Ryan got 4th. He was happy.

There were cupcakes and cookies after everyone was done. This was Ryan's last year for racing. He moves up to Webelos in September.

Thanks to Chris for the pictures and the time and effort she puts into each activity. Ryan loves scouts!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring has sprung

I really love the spring. It offers a break from indoor activities and the chill that winter brings. It re-energizes my spirit with the smells, beauty, and fresh-warm(non-humid) air. We have many signs of spring popping up all over our yard, and it makes me happy.

The bush Casey thought I killed with my over zealous pruning - nope, still alive - ha!

This week has been unusually warm with temperatures in the 80's. I enjoy the flip-flop weather but don't really enjoy the bugs and pollen that seem to come with it.

While the west coast was covered in snow this week, we were covered in a yellow-green layer of pollen....

Tuesday of this week the pollen count was 9000. I think it might have been a new record. To give you a pollen perspective, this time last year we only made it to 3000 before it went back down to the 50-60 range. It was crazy. It made it very hard to breathe while doing any amount of exercise. Not fun.

Thankfully it doesn't last all summer, and soon we will enjoy the beauty and all of the outdoor activities without the constant sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose and stuffy head symptoms.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Head Lice

Ryan: Mom, do I have head lice?
Mom: No
- 30 minutes later-
Ryan: I wish I had head lice
Mom: No you don't
Ryan: yes I do, because then I could miss 2 days of school.

Spoken like a child that has NEVER had head lice and who has never seen a mother with a child who has had head lice!

We received the yearly letter from the school nurse regarding head lice and treatment, so Ryan has decided it is something he would like to experience in exchange for 2 days off from school. One case of head lice would cure that, but I'm hoping for a lice-free childhood for Ryan.

Is your head itching now??

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Beautiful Day

Andy, Janelle, and Seth came this weekend to have a belated birthday celebration for Seth. He was very excited, but when anyone said Happy Birthday to him he would quickly say, "It's not my birthday anymore." --We celebrated anyway!

Saturday was beautiful, so we spent most of the day outside. Kaitlyn and I started with an early morning run, followed by a family game of softball, PIG(basketball), bike rides, trampoline jumping, and a fire for roasting hot dogs and making smores.

The weather was beautiful, and the day was perfect!

And to Casey's picture at the top-center holding the big long stick thingy - You might be a redneck if you duck tape a roasting skewer to a broom stick to roast your hot dog. Alex was nice and called it ingenuity. Either way, it was the most sought after roasting stick of the day...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I knew when we bought our house that I really liked the lot, but what I didn't realize was how many hours of entertainment would be provided simply by the fallen tree branches.

I wish I had taken pictures when we first moved in, but Cody and Ryan would find big long sticks and sharpen the tips on our driveway to make spears(really sharp). Ryan would collect piles and piles of these spears and would have to hide them from Casey, who upon finding them would throw them into his fire-pile(where all sticks eventually end up).

I am now watching three little boys during the week, and they also have become enchanted with the sticks in our yard.

On any given day the sticks are wands, lightsabers, swords, bows, guns, and yesterday they were building tools for Avery's house of leaves.

Young and old, the sticks are treasures to be found.

Each day adventures are made...

And many times arguments are had over whose sticks are whose.

But one thing is for sure - battles are fought, enemies are defeated, and lives are saved if they can just find the right stick.