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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Silly Bandz Banned

If there is one thing Ryan has talked about each and every day after arriving home from school, it is how many Silly Bandz he's traded, what kind, and how many more he will get tomorrow. The Silly Bandz craze started last year, and shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. They are everywhere...elementary schools, middle schools, and the high schools. They are collected and traded. They come in all different shapes with various themes.
However, today was a sad day as Ryan announced, "Tomorrow is the LAST day for silly bandz at school." He has decided to wear them ALL tomorrow as a tribute...

I told him it might be a bit distracting. He said he would be fine, because he had one friend last year that had them(silly bandz) all up and down his arms and legs!

I guess we will see how many he comes home with tomorrow...if any!

Here's a fun article if you(grandma) have never heard of Silly Bandz...

Silly Bandz craze spreads with kids and teens: One principal bans them as Disco Bandz coming soon - Fort Lauderdale Parenting Teens |

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