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Wednesday, April 27, 2011


It's our favorite time of year, well besides Christmas. We love fresh strawberries and the jam and syrup they produce. This year they were big and juicy. We picked 9 buckets, and I really want more...don't tell Casey, he thinks we have too much.

Enough is never enough...we love it on pancakes, ice-cream, sandwiches, and anything else we can think of. We might have to put limits on it this year, so it will last through next year's picking time - Cody will have to slack off on his drinking it by the cup-fulls.

Andy, Janelle, and Seth were there to help, so it only took about 30 minutes to pick. It took a lot longer to make the jam and syrup, but it was worth every minute!

We had a contest for the "biggest berry." I'm not sure who really won, but there were a lot of shapes and sizes this year.

And, as always, Seth was the very best flagger

I made a strawberry shortcake for Easter dinner the next day. It was delicious and made me want more. I might have to go and pick another bucket full this weekend, just to munch on while Casey is out of town - he'll never mouth is already starting to water.

1 comment:

Corinne Ritz said...

DO IT! He will NEver know! I won't tell him! I've done that many times with out telling Jason. It's all worth it in the end. I am jealous that your berries have come on already! Wow! And they look SO good!