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Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Pictures

This weekend we had a photo taking session in hopes of having a picture to go with our Christmas cards. It was a success for the most part. Everyone gripes, moans and complains the minute I mention taking pictures. Once we actually get out there it isn't as painful as they presumed it would be. It's actually fun. Well, for the first 10 minutes.

We started out with individual poses and then got into the group shots.

Some were serious.

But most were silly.

Next we had the head-shots which ended with Ryan in tears. Poor Ry just couldn't keep his eyes open and didn't appreciate the encouraging comments.

We tried several times.

But he just couldn't do it.

And then we got this one...It sent Kaitlyn and Cody into hysterics and Ryan into the house. We were done. This is pretty much how it ends every year.

We did manage to get one decent/normal one out of the bunch that we will send out in Christmas cards. I'll post it here on Christmas Eve. It looks slightly similar to this one...