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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Christmas Break

This pretty much sums it up. I'm still recovering. Everyone had their turn, except for Cody(knock on wood). Thank goodness for modern medicine! Mine lasted the longest... After being bedridden for 4-5 days, I decided a trip to the Urgent Care was in order. A quick diagnosis, a few prescriptions later, and I was feeling like a super-hero in a matter of hours, well sort-of. Needless to say, not a lot of pictures were taken or fun was had. It was about the longest, drawn out, tiring, most exhausting, Christmas break I've ever experienced. School starts back on Monday, and I feel like I need a do over. I did get to relax and watch a lot of Netflix. I love Netflix!!

Christmas Photo Dump:

Here's hoping for a Happy and Very Healthy New Year!

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