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Friday, June 6, 2014

Cody's 18th Birthday

18 has always been a milestone birthday in our house, mostly because of the jokes we have associated with the "magical" age of 18/legal adult. The first time I heard the words, "but I'm 18" I laughed out loud and retorted with my age(way older and wiser adult).

I have since found a fun website that I love to remind the "adults" in our house of when they choose bring up their age of adulthood: The opening lines cracked me up: "So your child is an adult. The world is their oyster. So obviously your role as (party pooper) vigilant parent is to sprinkle some lemon juice on said oyster by reminding them what they can and can't do legally." It's always been a fun joking matter, nothing too serious but it is always a sad reminder of my OLD age. How did these kids grow up so fast??

Cody's birthday arrived right after graduation, and a day before Kaitlyn and I were leaving for New York. It was a busy time, but we celebrated with some Gigi's Gourmet cupcakes, a few presents and dinner out!

Happy "Legal Adult" Birthday Cody! We Love you!!

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