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Thursday, July 9, 2020

Owl Visitor

Casey and I were sitting in the living room on a Sunday morning when an owl flew onto our patio. I saw something large-ish fly close, but I didn't realize it was an owl until it landed on the chair. Casey moved slowly and managed to get a couple pictures from inside the house. It was pretty amazing, as it twisted and leaned it's head around to see me(or that's what it looked like from my vantage point). I love experiences like this in life and looking to find the deeper meaning of things. I had a friend comment on my facebook to look up owl medicine, and I love what I found. I'm going to keep this as my daily life inspiration-

What does it mean to be an Owl Spirit?

Owl will show you things that might otherwise remain hidden to you, so be open to seeing things in a whole new way. You cannot deceive Owl, which is why this Spirit Animal reminds us to remain true to ourselves, our voice and our vision. Owl does not tolerate illusion or secrets.

I found this app I also love that turns pictures into pieces of art - It made the owl even more beautiful.

It even left a feather...

What Does It Mean If I Find a Feather?

Many regard bird feathers as gifts or signs from the gods, ancestors, and angels. If you find a feather, it may be a message from your spirit guide or a deceased loved one♥♥

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