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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Christmas 2021

Christmas started early this year(or not).  I had surgery on the 20th of December.  It was laparoscopic surgery to remove my right ovary that had 2 cysts on it. They didn't think it was cancer, but they wanted to remove and biopsy them to make sure.  Good news - no cancer.  But, it was definitely a different kind of Christmas, as I was pretty much out of it most of the time everyone was here.  I thought being laparoscopic it would've been easier(is surgery ever easy?!), but not so.  Google said I could go back to work in 3 days(Not so).  I ended up taking an additional 1.5 weeks off work for recovery.  I'm still on the mend.  Slow and steady wins the race, but I'm back to work while trying to sustain my energy.  It's a process.   



Glad it's over!  They did have these cool progress reports up on the screen for people in the waiting area(Casey) to see a time stamp of what was going on.  

Oh, and the week before these 3 had covid.  So this was their eating "spot".  They stayed upstairs, for the most part, trying to keep me from getting the covid before my surgery.

They all tested negative the day before visitors were arriving for Christmas.

Everyone decorated cookies and played some games on Christmas Eve.

Overall it was a good Christmas with everyone home.  Although, I didn't get our annual family picture because I wasn't able to make it happen. I spent most of my time on the couch watching the activities happen around me.  It's always fun to visit and spend time together, even if it was from a corner on the couch.

Casey burned, per the usual, and I was able to sit outside for a few moments soaking up the warmth of the sun.

They also did a blind fast food tasting game with 4 different fast food  hamburgers/chicken nuggets and fries.  It was pretty fun to listen to the comments after I delivered the food to their plates.  

Andy won!

New Years was a shrimp boil and a very exciting GA championship game. If you know, you know!!


Which led to this....
Back to Back Champions!

                                          Hoping for a Healthy and Happy New Year!

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