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Monday, June 3, 2024


April(not March) came in like a lion and out like a lamb.  We had a storm come in that knocked down a few trees.  They weren't big, but they did block our driveway.  Casey left to go to work and came right back in to change clothes and get his chainsaw to move the tree.  Thankfully I didn't have to work that day, so Ry and I helped him clear the driveway and clean up our yard.  It took all three of us most of the morning.  

Casey had a nice big fire pile to burn after we were all done.....😆

He had to wait a few days though, because our burn pit was full of water😐

By the end of April our flowers were blooming, and our yard was full of color😊

We also had an eclipse in April.  We were only partial, so it didn't get too dark, but just enough where you could see a difference.  Ry had his glasses from 7 years ago when we could see it more, so we used them and it was still very cool to witness such a rare phenomenon.  The shadows and dimming make it such an eerie feeling. Everything seems to get really quiet. The birds and outside noise hush for a moment of darker(ness) in the atmosphere.

Ry found a baby turtle on our porch.  Casey said it was a newly hatched turtle, because it was so small.  Ry and Casey thought they'd keep it for a pet but then researched what it would take to keep it and decided to let it go😏

We had some beautiful days in April.  I love it when everything starts to come back to life, and it begins to stay light longer.  It gives me hope that warmer/lighter days are coming.  I love the warmth the sun brings in the spring🌞


We opened up the pool.  It actually didn't look too bad.  Usually it hast a tint of green, but it was bright blue.  It was the cleanest it's ever been after just removing the cover!  Woohoo!! 

But there was still a lot of clean up around the pool that happened before swim season began.

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