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Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Break

Last week was our spring break, so Casey took off a couple days from work to enjoy some activities with the kids.

The boys went & hit some golf balls, while Kaitlyn & I enjoyed an afternoon of shopping.

Fishing on the Lake

Ryan has wanted to go fishing, so we took a day & went to a local lake that charges $5.00/per person to catch up to 6 fish each.

Ryan's Favorite Part - Casting his line out!
It's really a wonder he caught the 4 fish he did, because he didn't leave his line out in the water that long. He just wanted to cast & reel...cast & reel!

It started out a little slow, but Ryan was the first to catch a fish. He was very excited(you might have to look really close... the fish blends in with the grass).

Ryan managed to catch 3 more fish, Cody caught 1, and Kaitlyn caught 2 + a turtle that tried to snatch up her worm as she was reeling in her line.

We were hoping for a fish fry that night, but the fish we caught weren't quite big enough to make a meal, so we released them back into the lake in hopes of bigger fish next time!

We had a wonderful week full of some much needed R&R and fun family activities...only one more month until summer vacation begins!!


The Coffer Family said...

Looks like ya'll had a fun spring break!!

Mariel said...

Love the slime-making video! Thanks! You have a lovely family.

Just stumbled on your blog....
