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Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekend With Friends

We had our good friends In North Carolina come for a visit last week. Their dad had some work meetings close-by , and the kids were out of school Thursday & Friday, so the family came along for the visit. The weather, of course, was rainy(as always seems to be the case when they are here), but we made it outside...

for a few rounds of duck-duck-goose

and some bubbles

We filled our week with crafts, baking cookies, watching movies...oh, and video games for the big boys and a much too late night(G-r-U-M-P-y!!)!

Saturday we went took everyone to the movies and watched The Tooth-Fairy(7 out of 10 of us thought it was cute)and had dinner at Longhorns(yum).

Thanks for coming Ouzts Family....MAYBE next time it won't rain!



Rain or shine, we always have a great time! Thanks again!


Rain or shine, we always have a great time! Thanks again!