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Sunday, October 2, 2016


We all wanted to drive Cody out to Utah together and make it a family vacation, but Ryan had already started school and Casey was teaching, so I was the lucky one who was able to enjoy some time in Utah with family and friends. We stayed a few days with Grandma Ritz and Uncle Loren before heading over to Kaitlyn and Alex's. It's always so fun to visit with family. I wish we were closer and could do it more often. There's nothing better than Grandma Ritz's cooking.

Cody managed to get a side by side photo with his dad in the early days. Yes, they are very much related.

I was also looking through a family photo album and found Casey with his dad and brother Cory...time goes so quickly. These pictures become our treasures that seem to bring us back to a time in life we all too often wish we had back. It's fun to reflect and remember those that may not be here with us physically but influence is felt on a daily basis.

I also found pictures of Casey's parent's 25th wedding anniversary, which was fun to see since Casey and I also just celebrated our 25th year together. When Casey and I first met and were dating I actually spent more time with his family(parents and brother's family) than I did Casey. Casey was starting up a PhD program in another state. We saw each other as often as time would allow, but without face-time and "free minutes" our communication was limited to short phone calls and snail mail. I remember watching his mom and dad and how much love they exhibited toward one another. What a great example they were and continue to be for their children. A gift that keeps on giving.

Cody had a few days before he could move into his apartment, so we chilled out with Kaitlyn and Alex and enjoyed some down-time before the busyness of school and work began. We also took this time to do some shopping for school supplies and such. It was so much fun(not really). Some of us were not as thrilled as others. Thankfully Kaitlyn made a list and was checking it twice!

By the time we made it out of Target, we had 2 buggies(carts) full of everything you can imagine.

Cody's room mate is a friend he has known since childhood. They both came home from their missions around the same time and had planned on rooming together when they returned. It's so fun to see them together after all these years. They were cub scouts together and now are grown men starting their own adult lives. I love it! We love the Ouzts family!!

You can't be in Utah and not take a few drives through the beautiful Utah Canyons/mountains. The leaves were already starting to change color. The scenery is breathtaking no matter what time of year it is.

There were a few days I wandered over(just across the street) to the Provo temple. The missionaries were a constant siting at the temple. It was so fun to see these young men and women as they are preparing to leave for their prospective missions. I was approached to either take pictures or listen, as they practiced in their foreign language, the missionary lessons they would soon be teaching. I love missionaries!

We have several friends who live in Utah, some we met in Athens and they've migrated west and some we have known from way back in the early grad school days. It was fun to visit and see them all! I sure wish we could visit more often

I also happened to see a young woman I taught in our days at Virginia Tech. Thanks to facebook we have been able to keep in touch. We both knew we would be in Provo at the same time, but didn't know if time would allow for a meeting. As luck would have it, we happened to run into each other while shopping at Bed Bath and Beyond! So crazy! So fun!

One evening I was able to meet my sister and her cutie in Salt Lake for dinner. We ate at a delicious Mexican restaurant. Little Elijah LOVED the oranges! I think our sweet server brought him at-least 3 plates full of the juicy goodness.

My time in Utah was so fun. I enjoyed my visits with everyone. I loved the time I had to help Cody get his place set up and things ready for school. I loved being able to hang out and enjoy the company of my peeps. I love them all and look forward to Christmas where we can spend more time together.

Thanks Kaitlyn and Alex for being the best hosts and letting us invade your space...for the great meals, scenic drives, movies, and overall wonderful time♥

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