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Friday, May 29, 2020

Spring Things and Quarantine Cuisine

During our down time we've been able to get a lot of home projects finished. It's been great....and also exhausting. The pergola painting was much more intense than we expected it to be. We were so glad to have it done. It took a couple weeks, in between weather stops and resting breaks - It caused a lot of neck and back pain. I also painted our front porch - I'm not a person that enjoys painting. I've had people tell me it's so relaxing and fun for them. Nope, not for me. It's something I want quickly finished - I don't enjoy the long, drawn out painting projects.😰

We've spent some of our time experimenting in the kitchen - making the sourdough breads, granola bars, and healthy snacks. I know this time has looked different for everyone. Casey has been working from home, I did a few distant learning activities with work, but for the most part it's been a time that we've enjoyed together. It's been so nice to have the time to decide what we want/need or can do with our time. More time to read, to do projects, workout together, and just relax.

Our blueberries are ready for picking. They ripen in phases, so we are enjoying the first phase!

We have marionberries that are looking better this year than they have in the past. This is year 3, so we have high hopes for some good berries, and Casey planted a few cucumbers and pumpkins that I'm also looking forward to enjoying!

We took a weekend and visited a farm store, finding some goodies and enjoying our drive in the mountains.

I'm not sure how much longer this will last, and I don't enjoy so many different aspects of this(grocery shopping, mask-wearing, lack of freedom in stores, etc...), but the best part of it has been MORE (uninterrupted) TIME TOGETHER. A pace that is much slower and allows for more conversations and meals together. We have a few more projects to complete and are looking forward to a summer spent with family, enjoying the time together.♥

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